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jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Locomotora de la Jupiter and Lake Worth Railway (Jupiter, Florida, Estados Unidos, 1896)

Locomotora de la Jupiter and Lake Worth Railway locomotive 1896 Blus Rice Milton Messer Captain Matheson
Jupiter and Lake Worth Railway
Júpiter y Lake Worth número 2 en algún lugar de la línea. El maquinista Blus Rice  va a aceitar la locomotora tan pronto como termine de rascar la cabeza de su perro de caza, Blue, quien alquilaba a los pasajeros para la caza a lo largo de la línea de ferrocarril. Blus se detendría en los lugares de caza y dejaría a los cazadores con Blue, y para regresar hacía sonar su silbato y Blue volvería. Blus saludó a sus pasajeros tocando "Dixie" en su silbato cuando lleguen. En el farol está el fogonero Milton Messer. En el coche de pasajeros está el Capitán Matheson, el cobrador. La foto original se encuentra en la Biblioteca del Congreso.

Jupiter and Lake Worth number 2 somewhere on line. Blus Rice the engineer will be oiling the locomotive as soon as he finishes scratching the head of his bird dog, Blue, whom he rented out to passengers for hunting along the rail line. Blus would stop at choice hunting spots and would leave the hunters with Blue, and on his return trip he would blow his whistle and Blue would return his charges back to the railbed. Blus greeted his passengers by playing "Dixie" on his whistle when he arrived at the wharf. On the pilot is the fireman, Milton Messer. On the combination car is Captain Matheson, the conductor. The original photo is in the Library of Congress.

by PI

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