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miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

La vuelta al mundo en tren (Australia - Indian Pacific)

viaje travel tren rail Australia Indian Pacific
Ruta (Route): Sydney - Adelaide - Perth
Duración (Duration): 3 noches en cada dirección (Three nights in either direction)
Distancia (Distance): 4.352 km (2.698 miles)
viaje travel tren rail Australia Indian Pacific
 Cruzando Australia a bordo del Indian Pacific se pueden ver emús, unas aves parecidas a los avestruces, canguros e incluso camellos. Este ferrocarril circula desde las costas del Índico a las del Pacífico a través de las minas de oro del país, a lo largo del tramo ferroviario más largo del mundo y sobre las espectaculares montañas Azules de Nueva Gales del Sur. A una velocidad media de 58 km/h., el Indian Pacific tarda cerca de tres días en recorrer los 3.968 kilómetros que cruzan Australia Meridional; la tarifa del viaje es algo más cara que la del avión, que tarda cinco horas. Aunque, pudiendo escoger, ¿quién no optaría por la experiencia de viajar en el Indian Pacific cuando este ferrocarril atraviesa placenteramente el continente? Lo más probable es que los viajeros formen un grupo bastante hetereogéneo. Siempre habrá unos cuantos amantes del ferrocarril esperando llevar a cabo esta célebre ruta, hombre de negocios sin prisas que desconectan del trabajo y huyen de la oficina, pensionistas que sacan provecho de tarifas especiales y familias que prefieren el espacio y la comodidad del tren a tener que viajar con niños , encerrados en un coche y soportando temperaturas estivales de hasta 45ºC. Finalmente, esta gente, principalmente gente joven, que viaja por el puro placer y la camaradería de compartir un largo viaje en tren.
Travelling between the Indian and Pacific oceans for over 40 years, this truly is one of the world's great train journeys.

Named after the two great oceans it joins and symbolised by the magnificent wedge-tailed eagle that so often soars above it, the mighty Indian Pacific traverses 4,352km (2,698 miles) between Perth and Sydney.
More than three million guests have already enjoyed this epic journey, which spans a continent, travelling the whole distance in three days and three nights. Setting off from Perth, your train climbs through the scenic Avon Valley and into Western Australia's expansive wheat belt, before arriving late evening at your first stop in the city of Kalgoorlie.

Next day, you'll discover the landscape takes on a richer hue as the journey moves through the mallee scrub into the ancient Nullarbor Plain, with the landscape unmarked by the passing millennia.
Stepping off during a brief pause at Cook in the middle of the Nullarbor Plain, you will experience Australia's vast open spaces from a unique perspective.

Arriving in Adelaide the following morning you can choose to break your journey for a few days touring this picturesque city, or continue directly on to Broken Hill, with its countless tales of riches won and lost.
From here you'll travel through some of Australia's most productive farming country and into the arid outback as the sun sets. Next morning is the finale of your journey through the spectacular Blue Mountains. Naturally, you can also do this journey from Sydney to Perth – it’s just as unforgettable.

Whether your final destination on the Indian Pacific is west to Perth or east to Sydney, you’ll have many opportunities to leave the train and take in some of the region's highlights. With so many wonderful sights to enjoy, this isn’t just one of the longest train journeys in the world, but also one of the most memorable.

All Great Southern Rail guests also have the opportunity to enhance their journey with one of Australia’s Great Train Holiday packages. Choose from one of our pre-structured options or build your own by selecting from our comprehensive range of touring and accommodation packages.

by PI
Si quieres más/If you want more

1 comentario:

  1. Se a Austrália é o Brasil oriental, Sydney é o Rio de Janeiro australiano. Provida de lindas praias e uma vida noturna agitadíssima, a cidade é o principal destino daqueles que visitam a Oceania e se assemelha muito à Cidade Maravilhosa. fundacion-ecos.org/biografia-de-chaeyoung-twice/
